
What Is Infatuation?

What Does It Mean to Be Infatuated?

Infatuation refers to an intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone. It’s often mistaken for love, but it’s more about idealization and obsession than genuine emotional connection.

When you’re infatuated, you tend to see the person you’re attracted to through rose-colored glasses, ignoring their flaws and overemphasizing their positive traits. This can lead to unrealistic expectations and unhealthy attachment.

How Does Infatuation Affect Flirting?

Infatuation can make flirting feel more intense and exciting, but it can also cloud your judgment and lead to impulsive behavior. You might find yourself saying or doing things you wouldn’t normally do, which can be confusing or off-putting to the other person.

It’s important to remember that infatuation is a temporary state and not a solid foundation for a long-term relationship. It’s okay to enjoy the thrill of infatuation, but try to keep your expectations realistic and your behavior respectful.

Types of Infatuated Flirting

1. Obsessive Flirting

This type of flirting is characterized by constant thoughts about the person of interest, excessive texting or calling, and a strong desire to be around them all the time.

Caution: Obsessive flirting can come off as needy or clingy, which can be a turn-off for many people.

2. Idealizing Flirting

This involves putting the person you’re attracted to on a pedestal, seeing them as perfect or superior to others. Your compliments and gestures may be over the top.

Caution: Idealizing someone can lead to disappointment when they don’t live up to your unrealistic expectations.

3. Impulsive Flirting

Impulsive flirting involves acting on your feelings without thinking about the consequences. This might include making bold moves or declarations of love early on.

Caution: Impulsive flirting can be overwhelming and may scare the other person away.

Respecting Boundaries in Infatuated Flirting

When you’re infatuated, it’s easy to get carried away and cross boundaries. It’s important to remember that the other person has their own feelings and comfort levels. Always ask for consent before escalating things, and respect their wishes if they want to slow things down.

Remember: No one is obligated to return your feelings, and it’s important to handle rejection gracefully.


1. Keep Communication Open

Express your feelings honestly, but also listen to what the other person has to say. They might not feel the same way, and that’s okay.

2. Stay Grounded

Enjoy the excitement of infatuation, but try to stay realistic. Remember that everyone has flaws and that it’s okay to take things slow.

3. Respect Boundaries

Always ask for consent and respect the other person’s comfort levels. If they’re not ready to take things to the next level, don’t push them.


1. Don’t Become Obsessive

It’s normal to think about someone you’re attracted to, but try not to let it consume your life. Give them space and allow them to live their own life.

2. Don’t Idealize Them

Remember that everyone has flaws and that it’s okay to acknowledge them. Don’t put the other person on a pedestal or expect them to be perfect.

3. Don’t Act Impulsively

Think before you act. Making bold moves or declarations of love early on can be overwhelming and may scare the other person away.