
Are you a masochist?


Are you a masochist?

What's your suffering? Mine are self criticism, health paranoia, and some insomnia/fatigue.

This too shall pass.

Are you ready to learn about the power of embracing pain and discomfort to achieve personal growth and self-improvement?

What is a masochist?

A masochist is commonly defined as someone who derives pleasure from experiencing pain and suffering. However, this definition can be extended to encompass a positive and empowering attitude towards discomfort, where pain is seen as a necessary part of personal growth and development.

Many successful individuals have learned to embrace the pain that comes with personal growth, recognizing that it is through confronting their limitations and pushing beyond their comfort zones that they are able to achieve their goals. The willingness to endure discomfort is often cited as a key factor in achieving success.

To be clear, this concept does not promote self-harm or destructive behavior. Rather, it encourages individuals to honestly confront themselves, and view discomfort as a natural and necessary part of the learning process and be willing to push themselves beyond their current limits in pursuit of their goals.

Adopting a masochistic mindset towards your goals can help you cultivate resilience, perseverance, and a greater sense of self-confidence. Embracing discomfort can be a powerful tool for breaking through barriers and achieving personal success, and can help individuals to become their best selves.

Embracing the pain associated with learning, growth, and confronting your fears and limitations can be a powerful way to achieve personal success and fulfillment.

What’s your suffering?

Mine are self criticism, health paranoia, and some insomnia/fatigue. These sometimes lead to bouts of depression, or maybe the bouts are isolated. I have no idea.

Now let’s be clear, these don’t define me, or run my life, but are the bumps in my road. Sometimes however, these together can create a lot of stress and worry for me, and it’s pretty unbearable. 

For years I would battle my suffering flare-ups. I would wage war on them by doubling down on “fun” people in my life, parties, more gym or travel, or making more money. These things can help, but not very much.

Looking back, I think I was trying to distract myself instead of addressing what wasn’t right in my life.

2008-2010 was tough. I was working in an industry I hated. Then I got laid off by Merrill Lynch during the financial crises, slipped a disc in my back, went through a crushing break up, and watched my first startup fail after years of hard work. I could barely walk for months; I was suffering, and way more than I should have because of the above mentioned culprits.

During that time I also became way more introspective. This triggered my deeper exploration of human behavior, which eventually brought me to Jaunty.

Those challenging moments are so good at stripping away the things that are less important, and shining a light on what is. I found out much more about who I was when all I could focus on was my healing. 

Embrace the struggle.

We continuously seek happiness. However, it is these challenging times of our lives that have the biggest and often most positive long-term impacts on us moving forward. Think back to a trying time in your life. I am speaking about deep internal changes. This is different from a serendipitous moment that changed your environment, though those are very important too. The periods I’m talking about are the ones that force you to go deep into your being, and soul.

These struggles can create vocations, or callings. Listen to them! Take a step and trust it’s the right direction. I know this from personal experience. It led me to creating social skills trainings, and Jaunty!

Many Greats have identified these periods of suffering as what ultimately lead them to truly come into their own. Abraham Lincoln, failed at businesses, lost many elections early on, and had a total mental breakdown before triumphing. Nelson Mandela suffered in prison for decades, an experience that shaped him in profound ways.

By adopting a masochistic mindset towards discomfort, individuals can develop the resilience and perseverance needed to overcome obstacles and achieve their goals. Pay attention to your suffering and use it as the catalyst for real change in your life.


Eric Waisman

Eric Waisman

Founding Instructor

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